Friday, February 10, 2012

An Update

Okay, for real. I need to update this thing.

I've been MIA but I promise it has been with good reason. We had a few scares back in January and thought we were losing Baby S..  I won't go into much detail but everything is perfect now. We did get quite a few ultrasounds that I'm super excited to share!

This ultrasound was performed on my birthday! Baby was 7w1d so there wasn't too much to see..

And this was one week later at 8w1d. This was done a week later when we thought we were miscarrying. I was so happy and relieved when we saw and heard the heartbeat, which was in the 180's! I don't think Aubrey's ever got that high!

Speaking of Aubrey, she is getting really excited to be a big sister!

We keep asking her if she wants a brother or a sister, and whatever we say last is what she says she wants. "Aubrey, do you want a brother or sister?" "Sister!"
"Aubrey, do you want a sister or a brother?" "Brother!"
So of course we always play it in our favor. I say sister last and Keith says brother. But either way, we are going to be ecstatic when we find out the sex!

I really want to start documenting my belly growth and would love to use the chalkboard idea used by Jessica @ Little Baby Garvin. I just need to get my butt in gear and either buy or make a chalkboard. I'll probably start doing that once I'm in the second trimester, which will be in a few weeks! 

As for me, I'm having a hard time with morning sickness. I went back to work a few days ago after 3 weeks of bedrest and I'm trying to hold it together because I really don't want to miss any more but there are a certain few dishes that I can't stomach the smell of! Looking forward to this phase being over!

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