Addie wanted some photo action too!
I love how this photo captures her excitement:
A Frozen lunchbox (of course)
At this point I thought I would be a sobbing mess, but I surprisingly held it together. As soon as she saw her teacher, that was it. She wanted nothing to do with us! We asked for a kiss and hug goodbye and you could tell she was just ready for us to leave. She was more than ready to start this journey! Walking back to the car I got a little teary, and then when we got in the car Keith passed me a tissue and when I looked up, he was crying. Awwww.
We went and grabbed a quick breakfast with Addie and came back to the house for a bit. I'm going to miss Aubrey like crazy when she's at school, but I really loved having alone time with Addie. We've never really had much opportunity for one on one time and now we will have some every day!
When Aubrey came out of the class, I could tell she didn't want to leave. I asked her what she did at school today and she said "I don't remember!" haha.
"Did you color?"
"Did you go outside?"
"Who did you sit next to?"
When we got back to the car, I went into her backpack and pulled out the daily communication folder and found her very first school art project and I got teary all over again when I held the tiny handprint in mine.
I know it won't be this tiny forever.