But what never really crossed my mind were the little day-to-day events that are SO special and meaningful.. because I never had that growing up. I have two sisters who are pretty friggen amazing, but the difference between our relationship and the more common sister relationship is that they were both already adults when I was born. I'm closer in age to their kids than I am with them. So I missed out on a lot of the real "fun" parts of having a sister at a young age. No building forts and staying up all night talking. No fighting over Barbies. arguing over who gets the last cookie, or who goes first at checkers.
So when imagining all of these perfect scenarios in my head, I never made room for those daily moments.. Like when Aubrey first starting holding Addison all on her own
Or their first holiday (which I unfortunately did NOT get matching pjs for, but come Christmastime, it is ON!)
I look forward to Aubrey teaching Addison the ins and outs of the important things of life.. like sleeping:
and eating:
and playing:
the fine art of being festive for the holidays:
...being a princess:
And guess what? Even though Addie is a Winter baby and Aubrey was born in the middle of the summer, I can still have Addie rocking the hand-me-downs because she is so chunky! :D
{Addison at 3 months and Aubrey at 10 months}
They are both so amazing, and we are so lucky to have two girls that love each other like these two do. I figured Aubrey would take to having a baby sister pretty easily, but I never thought it would be THIS easy. She has shown zero signs up jealousy and she is always so eager to help and play with her little sis. And you can just tell by the way Addison looks at Aubrey that she is crazy about her. As soon as Aubrey walks in the room, the smile on Addie's face takes up her entire face. I know we have girls that are going to be able to count on each other, and will have a best friend for life. I couldn't have asked for better kids. <3