I want to start this post by saying Happy Mother's Day to the woman who has been there for me since day 1. The woman who has never turned her back to me and was always there for a hug when I was upset over a skinned knee, a broken heart, or my favorite Backstreet Boy being sent to rehab for alcoholism (yeah, we won't go there). I knew she would be an amazing Nana to my children, because she was a phenomenal mother when I was growing up.
{my mom & her 3 girls}
I would love to share some of my favorite photos from my journey so far as a mom.. so here goes!
The past 4 years as a mom has been an unforgettable journey. When I got my first positive pregnancy test, I was absolutely terrified. Not because I wasn't ready to be a mom, but because I was scared of what would happen to my body over the next 9 months, especially during labor. That's the only thing that scared me. Because ever since I was a little girl, I've dreamed about the day when I would become a mom.
When that day finally came and I was holding Aubrey in my arms after 40+ long weeks of her growing in my belly (and nearly 24 hours of labor.. yikes), I can't even describe the feelings that were rushing over me. All I wanted was to hold that precious girl and never let go (especially not to do my makeup or fix that rats nest living on my head, apparently.. All Aboard the Hot Mess Express)
Since day one, Aubrey & I have been joined at the hip. My little mini me loved having "girls day out" with her mama, and I love showing her our little corner of the world.
On December 26th, 2011, we found out that we were having another baby. This time, there was no panicking on my part. I kicked pregnancy's ass before and I could do it again. Until things started going wrong. That's when the panic showed it's ugly face. On March 6th, 2012, I gave birth to a tiny 2 oz baby boy. That day, I became an angel mom.
Although I can't hold him in my arms, he is held in my heart forever. He lives on in our memory, and through Team KRJ each year for the March for Babies walks.
On Fathers Day of 2012, 3 months after we lost KRJ and after 1 month of officially "trying", we got the big news! We were pregnant AGAIN! Of course the panic had come back full force because I was terrified of losing another baby. When I hit the second trimester, I started to let that wall down and allowed myself to start getting excited. When we announced our pregnancy, we were showered with so much love, excitement, and support from everybody around us.
In September, we threw a Gender Reveal party and found out that Aubrey would be getting a little sister!
A little over 5 months later, we were holding this beautiful little Valentine baby in our arms. And on that day, I knew I was complete.
I could not have been more blessed with my family. Aubrey is head over heels in love with her little sister. I can just tell by the way she looks at her, the way she talks about her, the way she will cover her with a blanket and put her monkey lovey right next to her while she's sleeping, and give her the sweetest little kiss on the forehead. The way she says "I'm coming, Addie Dyace!! (Grace)" when Addie starts crying.. And Addie shows that same love right back at her sister. The smiles she gives when she looks at Aubrey is priceless. I can not wait to see their friendship grow as they get older.

I couldn't have asked for a better day. I got to sleep in, Keith made us a yummy breakfast, we visited my mom and his stepmother. We made these plaques with the girls' footprints. This one still needs some finishing touches, but I love how they came out. Addie was super squirmy and was NOT a fan of having cold paint on her feet, but the imperfections will remind me of the fun we had doing it :)
Keith & the girls got me a couple really sweet cards. There were definitely tears when I was reading them :)
I've been in LOVE with Origami Owl since I first laid eyes on a locket for the first time. I knew I wanted one this year, so Keith got me one :) I got a charm and a birthstone for each of my babies. The princess crown is for Aubrey because she loves princesses. The angel wing is for KRJ because he is my angel. The heart is for Addie because she's a Valentines baby. So far, only Addie's birthstone has come in. The other 2 are on back order. I can't wait to see how it looks all together :)
After our visits, we came home, grilled some steak tips, and relaxed for the rest of the night. It wasn't a very eventful day, but I couldn't have asked for a more perfect one <3