Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The one with the disappearing fish..

Do I have any Friends fans out there?

My husband & I are kind of obsessed. We have the 10 seasons on DVD and could watch them over and over. Our 2 year old knows the words to the theme song. We could have a whole conversation just in quotes from the show.

We love it so much, in fact, that we named both our cat and our fish after characters in the show. And had our obsession began earlier in our relationship, I'm pretty sure our dog would have been in the name scheme, too.

Anyway, every morning I have my coffee and read the latest celebrity gossip over at my favorite gossip blog. It's like my morning paper. I am mildly obsessed with keeping up with the Kardashians and seeing the newest pics of Hilary Duff's baby. 

But this morning was different. I noticed something missing. It took me a minute and then I realized that the fish bowl that housed Chandler was gone. I searched high and low and couldn't find it. The thought that he was dead never crossed my mind. Surely if Keith can text me lyrics to a Kenny Chesney song (inside joke) while I am at work, our fish's death would warrant the same. 

As I wondered where the fish was, my mind shot back to a couple of weeks ago when I snapped this picture on my phone of a Missing Pet flyer we saw on a field trip with Aubrey's class:

All I could think of was "who the heck loses a tortoise?"

Yeah, well. I win. Who the heck loses a fish?! And not just a fish - his whole bowl.

Well, my suspicions were correct. I asked Aubrey where Chandler was.
"In the toilet!"

Fail. Fail on the fish dying. Fail on my husband not telling me. Fail on me seriously sitting here drawing up a Missing Fish report in MS Paint for shits & giggles. Fails all around.

Cue the theme song.
No one told me life was gonna be this way. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Boston Children's Museum

One of our favorite things to do is to go into Boston and head to the Children's Museum. There are a zillion things to do there, not to mention the train ride to get there is always an adventure!

On this random Saturday, we woke up early, ate breakfast, and headed to the train station. As we passed the ticket window, someone's little eyes spied a Dunkin Donuts, so of course a request was made for a strawberry donut with sprinkles.

It's about 45 minutes to Boston from our train station, so we always try to bring fun things to do to pass the time in between looking out the window. On this particular day, we decided on coloring, playing doctor on a certain platypus, and playing with the "guys".

We finally got there and made our way to the museum using the subways. Aubrey had a blast going up and down countless elevators (I'm looking forward to the day when I don't need to bring a stroller with us and we can use the escalators like everyone else!) and boarding and un-boarding the T with so many people. 

Most of the pictures are here, along with some video:

But here are some of my favorites!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

March for Babies ~ Team KRJ

A couple of weeks after we lost KRJ, I was driving through my hometown after dropping Aubrey off at her toddler group and noticed a billboard for the March for Babies walk that was happening at the end of April. I was on my way to Keith's sister, Christina's house and as soon as I got there, we went online and checked it out and Team Keith Ryan was born right then and there. Christina and our friend Katy were the first people to join my team. I posted about it on Facebook and before I knew it, over 20 people were signed up. 

In just a month, we raised over $500 to donate to our walk, which just so happened to be the day after KRJ's ceremony. I figured that weekend was going to take it's toll on me emotionally, and I was absolutely right. But what I didn't know was how therapeutic this walk would turn out to be.

We got to Southern New Hampshire University and registered our team. Since I raised over $200, I got a free t-shirt. We got free food to munch on and hot coffee to drink which we definitely took advantage of. It was freezing!

Our t-shirts were made by a friend of my sister's. I loved how they came out! The text below 2012 read "What an imprint your footprints have left on our hearts". This quote is from a poem that I found online, which I added at the end of the slideshow at the end of the post. This poem is one of my favorite poems about premature loss.

I added Mom, Dad, and Big Sis to our shirts using iron on transfers I found at Michaels. I also   added "Auntie" to the backs of our sisters' shirts. We decided on 36 as the number in the back since 3/6 is the day our angel grew his wings.

Most of our team! A few couldn't make it and a few showed up after this picture was taken.. and of course, it doesn't count the people who donated to our team! Without them, we wouldn't have raised nearly as much as we did!

For only having a month to raise money, form a team, and get t-shirts made, I am so proud of what we accomplished. I am so excited to walk again next year in KRJ's honor, when we will have even more time to come up with ways to raise funds and to build our team some more. 

A ceremony for KRJ

On Saturday, April 28th, we held a private ceremony at our church for our family & close friends to come and remember Keith Ryan. I didn't really know what to expect of my emotions that day. I made it through with minimal tears thanks to the outpouring of love and support we got from everyone that came. 

We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful pastor who was more than willing to help us with everything we needed. He even had programs made up for everyone. I still need to get a few laminated for safe keeping. 

I spent weeks trying to find the perfect song to play. I wanted something uplifting. I figured the day would be hard enough without hearing a depressing song. I spent even longer finding the words to say in my speech. 

Since nobody ever got to meet KRJ, I knew I wanted to share things about my pregnancy so our family could feel connected to him, too. I talked about how he wasn't a fan of coffee or seafood. I talked about how the first time I felt him fluttering away in my belly was when I was laying down rubbing Aubrey's back because she wasn't feeling good, and how amazing it felt to feel that connection to both of my babies. I talked about the night we found out I was expecting and how Keith asked me if I was craving Wendy's as a tactic for me to go get him some chicken nuggets.

My best friend of 15 years read a beautiful poem. The pastor read some scriptures and lead us in prayer and Amazing Grace. 

After the ceremony, everybody went outside where the pastor handed out balloons and we did a balloon release. Aubrey surprised me and didn't even cry when she let her balloon go. Instead, she looked very serene. Almost like she was making sure they all got to her little brother safely. After the balloons were too far away to see anymore, we went inside for a pot luck dinner. 

I could not have asked for a more beautiful day to remember our little man and it was just another reminder of how blessed we are with wonderful, supportive friends and family.